“I Got My MATE So I No Longer Need To Persevere Syndrome”
I have been thinking of this weeks' post for sometime now. I did not want to choose or write about anything that the holy spirit didn’t lead me to write, so I waited for a word. As I was in meditation and prayer this morning, the holy spirit led me to think about how we as Christians begin to loose focus in God after receiving what we have been praying for months if not years. Our need for a mate, financial blessings, healing and etc.
This is not a spiritual attack that only women face in the body of Christ. Men as well has walked away or lost interest in the things of the Lord once they have met and married the “gift” a wife or a husband from God. This is not usually done intentionally. At times, it can go unnoticed for months. Before you know it, we find ourselves missing church services, fellowship and all the activities that we use to hold dear when we were hungry and thirsty for a mate. Prior to that mate, we would climb mountains to go pray on a distant hill or sleep in the church over night on our bellies decreeing and declaring. Yet, as soon as we say “I DO” that time with God diminishes.
I personally have experience this syndrome in my life, but it's what we do when we notice the distance between us and God that matters the most. When we can hear the voice of God calling, seeking for our attention and us responding by acknowledging the call, we have overcome the stronghold. Let's not allow excuses and self reasoning keep us further away from Him. I have come to believe that its not the fall that keeps us down, but its the remaining down that shows our weakness.
God is love, indeed. The love you have for your mate or future mate is priceless. When we are blessed with a mate and/or other blessings in our lives, let's not forget the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 8). We can give our mates the attention, love and affection that he/she needs without loosing the drive and dedication that you had prior to being blessed with your gift(s) from God. I am sure that if your mate is first and foremost “in the spirit” they will understand your walk. If they are truly believers they will also understand that you are a servant of God and that you must remain faithful to God for your future spiritual needs together.
With this new revelation, I have learned that when we are blessed with a mate, that mate should never become the main and ONLY center of our lives. No matter how deep and head-over heals in love you are with your new sent love, your dedication and commitment to God should supersede that love that you feel for one another. God IS the center and should always remain the center of your relationships. No matter how the wind blows, God is first and should always remain first even after your blessing comes.
Our lives must be as follows for the success of not only our relationship with our mates but our spiritual walk as well:
Distant Family
Praise God always and with everything you posses and with everyone that are in your lives...
By: The Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Written by: Nancy Bazile,