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Friday, December 21, 2012
WOG Talk new venture
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Should Christian women wear make-up, weave or jewelry?
Nancy, Ysgaelle and Jenny Bazile Modest and Christian women that Loves God |
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Nene Leaks Grandmother! Why a secret for mom?
GRANDDAUGHTER! Posted on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 - 05:28PM by CQ
Reality diva Nene Leakes is showing off her new granddaughter Bri’asia Bryant in the new issue of In Touch Weekly, where she reveals that she was just as shocked as her fans to find out that she had a grandchild. A few months ago, she got a huge surprise when she ran into her son, Bryson’s girlfriend and noticed her baby bump.
Despite the shock, Nene has since accepted her granddaughter with open arms. Nene went on to say:
“I only found out about everything because I ran into Ashley when she was more than six months along.I said, ‘You look pregnant.’ Bryson’s girlfriend immediately responded, ‘Hasn’t Bryson told you?’
‘He hadn’t because he knew that I wouldn’t approve of him having a child so young. I didn’t feel like he was ready for such a big responsibility. I was his age when I had him, so I know how tough it is. I didn’t want him to make the same mistakes that I did. I needed to let it sink in.
“I always wanted to have a girl and now I have one! She’s just adorable.
I paid for everything in the nursery: the clothing, the diapers, I don’t want her to feel strapped. Little dresses, sparkly headbands, and Gucci shoes … We just love her!”
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Yolanda’s Points Of Power: Growing In The Word Of God [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO] | The Yolanda Adams Morning Show
Yolanda’s Points Of Power: Growing In The Word Of God [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO] | The Yolanda Adams Morning Show
Egypt’s Islamist candidate woos women, Christians
Monday, April 2, 2012
References: The Holy Bible
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
“I Got My MATE So I No Longer Need To Persevere Syndrome”
Praise God always and with everything you posses and with everyone that are in your lives...
Monday, January 2, 2012
Wolf in Sheep Clothing : How do you know if a wolf in sheep's clothing is circling around you?
The same goes for good looks, smooth talking, sensitivity, and all the qualities you think make a good husband. They are empty and dangerous without Christ. The key factor in any Christian relationship should be the presence of Christ! Focus on learning very quickly where this guy stands with the Lord. Does he pray and have quiet time with the Lord? Does he read his Bible? Does he live what he reads. Does he reflect Christ? A strong Christian man cannot hide his love for God, it comes out all over the place. He is stable and loving. He is secure with himself and Christ no matter what his circumstances. Does
he tell you that he sees you as a strong spiritual woman and depend on you for prayer or teaching? This is bad because he should be getting his support from other Godly men. Watch him over a long period of time. How does he interact in church? He does not have to tell you he loves the Lord, you should see it. Get to know him. He will reveal his heart toward you about everything over time.
Both of you should guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23). Exit the relationship at any slightest hint of lies, trickery, addictions, or immorality. Challenge him if he begins to appear manipulative. Don't be afraid to let go of a relationship that would eventually devastate you. God will bring you the man of your dreams or He will give you the grace to remain single. Don't get attached to his children too soon. Get to know him first. Control the pace of your contact with him. Let God guide you and reveal things each step of the way. Be leary of doing favors before you really know this man. Do not lend him money. Do not let him kiss you or hold your
hand. Watch out for guys that infiltrate the church and remain on the periphery, scouting out the women. Beware of men that don't have or develop strong relationships with Godly men. These loner types are looking for weak, wounded, newborn "sheep" to prey on. Stay close to your circle of mature discerning Christian friends your age. Don't let the wolf in sheep's clothing separate you from the pack of your friends early on. Keep your eyes on the Lord and trust Him. That which is hidden will come to the light. (1 Cor 4:5).
Note: This discernment should not only be for women in regards to men. There are may women wolves out there posing as sheep to lure in their pray as well. So let us all be concerned and keeping our eyes open to make sure that we are accepting relationship from men and women or God that are truly interested in a relation with you that resemble Christ and our marriage to Him.
Nancy Grant
References: Visit this page for more detail on this subject. It is truly a good reading.